Become an AFAS Artist Artists are welcome to sign up for and participate in any or all of AFAS’s services. However, AFAS does ask artists for some information and participation so it can keep up with whom is active and interested. AFAS artists are listed in the Artist Gallery section of our website as a free service. AFAS will not share or publish information that members want to keep private, and AFAS does not sell or distribute members’ information. Some things to have ready before you continue with the on-line process: We require a bio or artist statement. You will need to enter this into the bio/artist statement field. You can use copy and paste to enter this. Please have this information available before you start the process. This will be shown on your page on the website. On the website we will use a default picture of your work to attract visitors to your listing. Please have this image available before you start the process. It should be less than 2MB and have no special characters or symbols in the file name. A jpg or png file works the best. Images should be representative of the work that you would sell or submit to exhibits. Up to 5 other pictures of your work may also be uploaded. Please have these images available before you start the process. They should be less than 2MB each and have no special characters or symbols in the file name. A jpg or png file works the best. When you have the above information ready please click the "Continue with Submission" button below to proceed with the submission process. Your information will go to the approval committee. You will receive an email from Julie Knabb if you are approved and have been added to AFAS website.