Artist Detail

David Garcia

Type of Work: Painting On Canvas, Woodworking and Epoxy

Contact Information




I am a slowly budding artist that uses various mediums to use as a means of creativity as well as relaxation while evoking emotions that I experience throughout my life. I don't consider myself as great, but I hope to improve my craft for the remainder of my lifetime. I enjoy the process of creating something from nothing but I enjoy making others happy through my abilities even more. I have been attempting to paint on various mediums, mainly canvas, for approximately 7 years but I have only done so when I feel a need to release a thought or emotion that I am having difficulty expressing. I also have started doing some photography, but mainly as a means of capturing the beauty that I witness throughout my life. I have recently began making furniture with wood and epoxy in hopes that one day I can create functional art that nobody has seen before. I want to give people a piece of art that is not only engaging to look at but that may have a use within the home environment. I hope to one day become good enough to make myself as well as others proud of what I've done. I have an end goal in mind but I am primarily focused on the journey and enjoying the process of my growth and development. As long as I have life to live, I have life to give.

Other Information

Commission Work
Sells Work
Sells Work at Red Dog Gallery