Artist Detail

Gayle Hardy

Type of Work: Acrylics, mostly

Contact Information



I’m so glad I got detention in fifth grade. Up to that point, I thought I’d go into music like my older brother. But, that day, waiting to see what my punishment would be for drawing on my desk during a daydreaming episode, my whole world shifted.

The teacher let me know how disappointed she was in me. After all, ”I was her best student” and I was “obviously not paying attention” and “defacing school property.” After a brief lecture, she then told me what she really wanted me to know - that she saw a talent for art in me that shouldn’t go by the wayside! I’d not heard that before; drawing was just something fun and took my mind off of the classroom boredom I experienced on a daily basis. The idea of an artistic career was born! And by chance or fate or just plain hard work, that’s exactly what happened.

I’m a native of Virginia, but have called North Carolina my home since 1989. I earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts (Painting & Printmaking) degree from Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, and have a lifelong love of learning.

I’ve recently retired from a career as a graphic designer, and still keep my hand in it through my own company, Twisted Fish Productions. (

My first love is fine arts, though. I enjoy experimenting with paint (often using common everyday objects to affect that paint) and love being in nature. It’s definitely my muse!

I’ve watched how The Arts - and specifically AFAS - has helped shape the Winston-Salem area, and I would like an opportunity to be a part of that movement, as an artist and collaborator.

Thank you for your consideration,
Gayle Hardy

Other Information

Commission Work
Sells Work
Sells Work at Red Dog Gallery