Artist Detail

Suz Roach

Business Name: Suz Roach
Type of Work: Acrylic Paint on Wood Panels

Contact Information



Facebook: Suz Roach Art

Twitter: SuzRoachArt


Suz Roach is a long-time doodler and part-time artist. She is self-trained and fiction inspired. She did not attend art school, but she has loved to draw and paint since a young age. She fuels her imagination with books, movies, jokes, games, and caffeine overdoses. Once she began developing her own signature style and brand as an artist, she focused on painting animals, robots and fictional creatures with bright colors, fun patterns, and clever twists. Her paintings serve several purposes: The act of planning, drawing, and painting, brings her joy and satisfaction. And they hopefully bring a smile to the viewer. She wants to bring out the inner child and silly side of adults and children with her work.

Other Information

Commission Work
Sells Work
Sells Work at Red Dog Gallery