Artist Detail

Clifton Taylor

Type of Work: Oil, Watercolor, Graphite

Contact Information



Facebook: clzacht

Twitter: instagram:


Mr. Taylor is an artist living in Winston-Salem. An internationally recognized theatrical designer, author and lecturer, he is always interested in the subjects of Color and Light. His painting work, most often working in oil with occasional forays into other media, is usually done Plein Air. His work is most closely allied with the Cape School of Art, an American Impressionist school. He has been spending summers in Cape Cod, MA and Santa Fe, NM and spends rest of his time in Winston-Salem, where he on the faculty of the NC School of the Arts.

Mr. Taylor's book "Color & Light: Navigating Color Mixing in the Midst of an LED Revolution" is available on Amazon and as an Ebook on all major platforms. More of his work can be seen on Instagram and

Other Information

Commission Work
Sells Work
Sells Work at Red Dog Gallery