Artist Detail

Mary McConnell

Business Name: Vulture's Pugmark
Type of Work: Ink, Watercolor, Mixed Media

Contact Information




To understand and empathize with the world around me, I create. Animal and color symbolism allow me to tell stories, which convey my emotions about environmental and cultural topics. The multiple eyes that many of my subjects possess represent a desire to empathize with others. Colors play a significant role in the painting process, and I often emphasize them to match how intensely I perceive these hues in person. To enhance that impression, I also utilize shimmer and metallic effects through copper leaf or unusual paints, such as gemstone-based watercolors, and glaze multiple colors over each other for a rich, complex appearance. I use a semi-realistic approach to create dream-like worlds with clear nature inspirations for the stories. I’m especially drawn towards finding beauty in the unconventional or bizarre. While I primarily employ ink and watercolor, I may also use colored pencils, brush pens, and gel pens to accent my paintings.

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Commission Work
Sells Work
Sells Work at Red Dog Gallery