Artist Detail

Tegan Short

Type of Work: Acrylic Painting/Mixed Media

Contact Information



I am a Winston-Salem native and have lived here for a large portion of my life. I have strong ties to the community and support the revialization of arts in this city. I have roots in the restraunt, music and arts scene. I currently work as a leasing/property agent at the Winston Factory Lofts, a converted Hane's textile mill in downtown. I graduated from Parkland High School in 2000, and within a year moved to Austin, TX for a very short stint. In early 2004, I moved to Asheville, NC. I was drawn to the vibrant and youthful art, music, and culture. In 2008, I reluctantly moved back to Winston-Salem when the economy bottomed out. I worked at the family owned, Mary's of Course and Silver moon Salon/Elliott's Revue (family friend). In February 2009, I started working at Winston Factory Lofts. I have fallen in love with this city all over again.

I have to say the paintings/collages I have made over the years were never made for the purposes of showing or display other than in my own house. I have had some commissions over the years and it has always been a struggle for me because there is a forced feeling that makes me a bit nervous. I have had the privilege to be exposed to so many talented artists over the years. I certainly know there are some amazing untapped resources here. I would describe my work as a bit selfish and messy, however so often I find myself hiding finite details under thick layers of acrylic. I will use things like journal pages, sharpies, ink, acrylic, vintage images, photographs, and glitter glue. I fall in love with my pieces because so many of them have either help me mourn or celebrate people, relationships, and moments in my life. I am not afraid to be silly, or visually shocking in terms of color and graphics. I wouldn't describe my work as pretty, but more as unpretentious. It's art that's not afraid to be bad, and by bad I don't mean in attitude.

Other Information

Commission Work
Sells Work
Sells Work at Red Dog Gallery