Judy Isaksen
Business Name: never2bold ART
Type of Work: acrylics, watercolors, collage fodder, oils, inks
Contact Information
Email: never2boldart@gmail.com
Website: never2boldart@etsy.com
Facebook: judy.isaksen@instagram.com
A bit about me: I am a queer, feminist multi-media artist, and I love to experiment with all of my toys!! Nothing is off limits; I’m as likely to paint with a brush as a cake spatula!! Layers, textures, and more layers are the foundation of my artwork. I begin with a palette and a seed of an idea, and then I respond to the changing art with each new layer. I find joy in the unknown and the experimentation. I have so much to say, and my voice is mostly loudly heard through my art, whether I’m painting portraits of strong women, painting calm watercolors, or constructing loud mixed-media abstracts. Art is many things to me simultaneously: breath, tranquility, escape, meditation; as the world spins (mostly) out of control, I chose beauty in art. It’s the healthiest addiction ever!
Other Information
Commission Work | |
Sells Work | |
Studio | |
Instruction | |
Sells Work at Red Dog Gallery |