Artist Detail

Daniel Robinson

Business Name: DPR Contemporary Fine Art
Type of Work: Oil (sometimes mixed media) on canvas with art resin.

Contact Information


Website: Fine Art America (Pending)


I think the main theme that runs through my art is The Juxtaposition of images and the beauty and tragedy that is the human condition.I wish to pull people into the pictures I create and get a reaction,good or bad.
My influences include looking at my photographer Grandfather's color saturated ectachrome projected
slides as a kid ,and the culture of the 60's and 70's I grew up in.
I have no choice but to paint.It is just something in me that I have to express.
I love the solitary aspect of it and how it gets me closer to my soul.
Daniel P. Robinson

Other Information

Commission Work
Sells Work
Sells Work at Red Dog Gallery