Artist Detail

Dorothea McCollum

Business Name: Delightfully Dotty Studio
Type of Work: Watercolor, acrylic, mixed media

Contact Information


Website: INSTAGRAM: @delightfullydotty

Facebook: Delightfully Dotty

Twitter: INSTAGRAM: @delightfullydotty


I'm deeply passionate about art, especially when it comes to exploring the realms of mixed media, including acrylics and watercolors. My artwork is a love letter to whimsy and sparkle, embracing boldness over photorealism to craft pieces that resonate on a personal level. My home serves as a testament to this passion, with every nook, cranny, and wall space adorned with art that speaks to me.

For me, art is not just about visual appeal; it's an emotional journey. I believe that art should elicit an emotional reaction, stirring feelings of joy, nostalgia, or even a profound connection to a moment or memory. It's this philosophy that I infuse into every piece I create, hoping to evoke similar emotions in those who experience my work.

My ultimate aspiration is for my artwork to become a conduit of happiness and memories for others, just as it is for me. Whether it's through the vibrant colors, unique textures, or the subjects I portray, I aim for my art to spark joy, evoke memories, and inspire a sense of belonging. I dream of creating pieces that not only catch the eye but touch the heart, making people pause with a smile or feel compelled to share that experience with someone they love. It’s about crafting not just art, but moments of happiness and connection.

Other Information

Commission Work
Sells Work
Sells Work at Red Dog Gallery